Workplace Switcher

Why does the commercial application display its icon in the GNOME Workspace Switcher (even though it is not full screen), but the open source applications do...

GNOME 2.18.2 is out

GNOME has released version 2.18.2 of their platform and desktop software suites. MacPorts has some catching up to do. There is a diagram of the current statu...

Plugging away at GNOME

Due to rough times this week, I still have not gotten GNOME built on my computer.

Broken GNOME

My MacPorts-based installation of GNOME is broken. It seems that when I installed KDE Office to verify that some GNOME packages that KDE Office uses were not...

MacPorts / GNOME Report

I managed to, within 3 days of GNOME releasing version 2.18.0, get the entire current GNOME Platform into MacPorts. It actually took only a few hours work, a...

MacPorts / GNOME Weekly Report

I know, I know. This seems more like a quarterly report than a weekly report, but it is more that I took a sabbatical from port maintenance than that I have ...

MacPorts / GNOME Weekly Report

GNOME has sound! (Actually ever since we ported gstreamer version 0.10.0+, GNOME has had working sound if the esd output was selected in the GNOME Preference...

MacPorts / GNOME Weekly Report

This is the first of what I hope will be a weekly report on the goings on with the GNOME packages carried by the MacPorts project.

Changes in GNOME bindings…

My auto-status tool for the GNOME packages in DarwinPorts broke because GNOME’s MD5 hashsum list for the official packages for 2.14.2 are different than for ...

GNOME on DarwinPorts (2)

Since my primary machine went down 2 weeks ago, I have had a chance (and a need) to reinstall GNOME from scratch with DarwinPorts. This has resulted in many ...

A Conversation with Marc

On 29 Apr 2006, at 18:35, Marc wrote: Hey thanks a lot! I’m using fink; any advantages to using darwinports? I’m so glad I recently discovered about...


All I want is my GNOME tools to work on Mac OS X. It would be really cool if they ran as Aqua applications, but I’ll settle for using them in Apple’s X11 env...